Vystoupili jsme u zimního stadionu a šli kolem univerzity přes park Orlice k interaktivní výstavě VODOVODOV v čistírně pitné vody. Po zajímavém výkladu a spoustě her jsme poobědvali v Orlice parku. Pokračovali jsme do botanické zahrady plné exotických a léčivých rostlin. Zhlédli jsme obrovský skleník, sušárnu na bylinky a políčka s rostlinami. Poznávací výlet jsme si moc užili.
Žáci 7.B
Exkurze 7.B do Hradce Králové, 25. 5. 2023 – zakladniskolabyst – album na Rajčeti (idnes.cz)
Excursion to the Vodovodov and the Garden of Medicinal Plants
On the 25th of May our class went on an excursion. We took the bus at 8:30. We headed for Hradec Králové. When we arrived we went to the Vodovodov and on the way we passed some bridges that are in Hradec Králové. The Vodovodov is an interractive water industry exhibition. There we studied how water works, how to handle it, and so on. Then we went to the Orlice Park, where we had lunch. After lunch we went to the Garden of Medical Plants. It was very cool there, because the guide showed us different plants, a greenhouse, a collection of medical plants and others. We really enjoyed the excursion and we are looking forward to the next one.
Text by Bela Smrčková, 7. B
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